These requirements are for students who matriculated in academic year 2024-2025. Students who matriculated prior to fall 2024 should refer to the 档案 to view the requirements for their Bulletin year.



  • All students are required to complete the university General 教育 (基因)课程.
  • All Temple students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses at Temple as part of the major. The specific writing-intensive courses required for this major are SSWU 4196SSWU 4296.


  • 所有CPH学生, 包括学生, 必须成功完成, C或C以上, 大学核心课程, HRPR 1001.


Students attending 皇冠体育 College of Public Health 和 School of Social Work are required to submit to 皇冠体育 Student Health Services proof of immunizations 和 proof of immunity for MMR, 水痘和乙型肝炎, 充分接种COVID-19疫苗的证明, 结核病筛查, 还有入学前的体检. 每年都需要接种流感疫苗. Some affiliates may also require annual 结核病筛查 和 urine drug screenings. Students who are in fully on-line programs with no in-person class or practicum experience can request a waiver for the above health requirements. 访问 Student Health Services for more information on Prematriculation需求.

All students who attend programs that have a clinical / practicum / field education experience will be required to purchase access to the EXXAT - APPROVE compliance module. 此模块需订购, store 和 maintain compliance documents is required for participation in a learning experience at an affiliate site.

Students who attend CPH programs that have a clinical / practicum / field education experience which are completed at affiliate sites both on 和 off the 皇冠体育 campus are required to comply with minimum st和ard compliance metrics which include the above health requirements in addition to a national criminal background check, Act 33/34 clearances in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 以及通过国土安全部或能源部进行FBI指纹识别. FBI fingerprinting is a national check, which can be performed through any of the 50 states.

The results of these requirements may limit 和 potentially eliminate placement options for the student, thus resulting in their inability to meet graduation requirements. 另外, 轻罪被定罪, 重罪, or felonious or illegal act may prevent the individual from becoming credentialed 和/or licensed to practice depending on the field of study.

除了以上, students who attend the Bachelor of Social Work program are required to show proof of health insurance annually, 和 background checks are required to be completed annually.


  • Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 120 semester hours of credit.
  • 最低累积绩点为2分.总成绩和专业成绩都是100.
  • A grade of C or higher is required in all social work courses 和 HRPR 1001.


HRPR 1001公共卫生:我们生活、工作和娱乐的方式3
CSI 1111公共演讲入门3
SOC 1176社会学概论3
or 杂志1001年 人类生物学
*Any Biology course with a course number of 1000 or above will satisfy the BSW BIO requirement; however, some graduate programs may require successful completion of an undergraduate 人类生物学 course.
or 政客们1911 美国政治概论
SOC 1167
SOC 1967
*Any Statistics course with a course number of 1000 or above will satisfy the BSW STAT requirement.
SSWU 2005社会工作专业概论13
SSWU 2006社会工作专业导论23
SSWU 2089社会工作专业的服务学习2
SSWU 3003社会福利的历史和价值3
SSWU 3004美国的社会福利3
SSWU 3007社会环境中的人类行为3
SSWU 3009Human Behavior 和 the Social Environment: Communities 和 组织3
SSWU 3011团体中的社工3
SSWU 38063
SSWU 41963
SSWU 42963
SSWU 4187社会工作实习一5
SSWU 4107BSW现场研讨会12
SSWU 4287社会工作实习二5
SSWU 4207BSW现场研讨会II2
SSWU 44063
SSWU 4407社会工作评估计划和实践3


A minimum of 400 hours in supervised field settings is required. Students are overseen by an MSW (or BSW with at least two years of experience). They are directly involved in professional tasks in the agency 和 in the community. This component of the educational program of study facilitates the integration of classroom learning, particularly in the social work subject areas of human behavior, 政策, 实践与研究. Students apply what they are learning 和 receive feedback from both classroom 和 field instructors on their work. Field work practice consists of 10 credits of the 55 credits of professional social work courses specified above.

Some of the fields of practice in the five-county Philadelphia area in which majors do their field work are these:

  • 老化: including adult service centers as well as assistance in a variety of public 和 private organizations with treatment 和 protective functions;
  • 儿童及青少年: child abuse, foster care 和 adoption agencies, parenting 和 support services;
  • 社区组织/策划: public issues 和 policies, neighborhood services at settlements, Y's, community centers;
  • 矫正正义/: probation, parole, prison, community rehabilitation organizations;
  • 发育障碍: community-living arrangements, day programs, other public 和 private functions;
  • 教育:学校和另类教育项目;
  • 家庭服务中心: material aid, crisis intervention, ongoing 咨询;
  • 健康/医院:建议, 咨询, direct service with 和 on behalf of patients; a variety of functions in hospitals 和 community health centers;
  • 法律: public agencies assisting low-income population in matters relating to law, 住房, 和歧视;
  • 心理健康: small 和 large institutions, community-based units, public 和 private auspices;
  • 药物滥用: 咨询 和 other direct service in a variety of settings, both public 和 private;
  • 暴力及家庭问题: domestic violence of all kinds, sexual assault, 和 child abuse, in a wide variety of settings.